Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Rachel Wade

December: Black

Black velvet, Rayon thread lettering and stars.

November: Orange.

Background material heavily stitched. Leaf, sheers, some veins stitched using glitter and pearlised thread. 

October: Green

A 'laminated' paper serviette with stitch added

 September: Blue (or possibly Turquoise) Carved on the stone wall of a farmhouse near Marsden.

Painted Bondaweb on tea-stained calico

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Jane Panton - December

Red for December as it is a traditional colour for this time of year. I used a selection of wools and sari waste, simply embellishing them onto a piece of pelmet vilene. Quick and easy!

Jane Panton - November

Grey for November, inspired by a day's birdwatching at Wheldrake Ings nature reserve near Selby. The landscape was almost monochrome with trees reflected in the lake. Strips of painted Lutrador with machine embroidery.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Lesley Ruxton November


Fireworks on the 5th
Free machining on black velvet.

Lesley Ruxton October

 North Yorkshire after the harvest.
Wool, silk,scrim embellished with  automatic machine patterning.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Gillian Travis November


A friend and I had a weekend in
Helsinki. I loved looking at the Sami

Gillian Travis October


On a grey day in October the
Birch trees looked striped.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Jane Panton - October

This month's colour is yellow, inspired by lichen I saw on Anglesey. Lots of french and bullion knots to give texture.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Monday, 27 September 2010

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Rachel Wade

August - grey
I stayed for a week in Glastonbury,
my room overlooked the Abbey.

Painted calico, machine embroidery, print.
July - red
I bought a new (to me) car.

Applique red material, machine embroidery.
June - brown
My neighbour had a swarm of bees in her garden.

Applique brown material and wool tops for bees, machine embroidery on painted calico.

Friday, 17 September 2010

Gillian Travis September

I have cycled past some beautiful sunflowers every day this month and they remind me of the fields of fabulous sunflowers in Hungary and Romania that I saw in the summer. It is home made felt with some machine embroidery.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010



Hand Sewn and Machined Patchwork.
Inspired by my visit to the Quilting Exhibition
at the V and A Museum.

Lesley Ruxton September 2010

Using the technique of transferring photograph to fabric.
Fabric crayons and stitch.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Jane Panton September

Blue for September. Hand made felt using pre-felt bought at Woolfest. Some automatic patterning, straight stitches and seed beads.

Jane Panton August

Green for August because the hills look so green after all the rain! Bonded landscape, block printing, stencilled and markal paintstik sky. Some hand and machine embroidery.

Jane Panton July

Orange is this month's colour, based on flowers in the garden. Space dyed scrim background with free machine applique.

Jane Panton June

Purple Alliums. Painted and bonded background with hand stitching.

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Lesley Ruxton August

Indigo dyed fabric
Event of the month
Festival of Quilts

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Gillian Travis August

I have just returned from a visit to Romania to look at the textiles. I loved the sheepskin waistcoats that both the men and women wear (even in summer). They are beautifully decorated with red and pink embroidery.
I made this piece with coccoon strippings with bermilana thread

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Lesley Ruxton July

I have finally seen the Whales. Orca Whales in  the Puget Sound. Wonderful experience.Heavily free Machine embroidered.

Monday, 2 August 2010

Lesley Ruxton June

We have a superb view of the sunsets nightly. Hand dyed fabrics strip pieced free machine embroidered.

Gillian Travis July

Gillian Travis June