Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Rachel Wade

December: Black

Black velvet, Rayon thread lettering and stars.

November: Orange.

Background material heavily stitched. Leaf, sheers, some veins stitched using glitter and pearlised thread. 

October: Green

A 'laminated' paper serviette with stitch added

 September: Blue (or possibly Turquoise) Carved on the stone wall of a farmhouse near Marsden.

Painted Bondaweb on tea-stained calico

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Jane Panton - December

Red for December as it is a traditional colour for this time of year. I used a selection of wools and sari waste, simply embellishing them onto a piece of pelmet vilene. Quick and easy!

Jane Panton - November

Grey for November, inspired by a day's birdwatching at Wheldrake Ings nature reserve near Selby. The landscape was almost monochrome with trees reflected in the lake. Strips of painted Lutrador with machine embroidery.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Lesley Ruxton November


Fireworks on the 5th
Free machining on black velvet.

Lesley Ruxton October

 North Yorkshire after the harvest.
Wool, silk,scrim embellished with  automatic machine patterning.